Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Topic 4: Bake Bread


Take a picture of the type of oven used in your shop

State the SOP ( Standard Operating Procedures) required when loading a product in and out of the Oven.

Explain why the baking parameters recommended in your Bakers Delight manual are used as a guide only.

Using the information in your Bakers Delight Recipe book state the required traying up procedures for the following product:

a) White Long Rolls
b) White Plait 450gm
c) Cheese herb and Garlic Mini

Explain how the correct placement of the dough pieces onto the trays affects the finished product.

Produce a work flow for the day’s production which illustrates the correct operation of the ovens for the day’s production. State temperatures and times required for each of the products baked. Refer to Baking over view in your Bakers Delight Recipe book

Post your answers to the Blog Titled: Baking Parameters Topic 4/1


Many of the products that you produce are "oven finished" which means that they are ready for sale as soon as they leave the oven
Other products may require finishing.

Using your recipe book identify 3 products that have different finishing requirements ie fondant. For each of these products stae what is required and how the finishing medium is applied. If weights are stated in your recipe book include these.

Post your answers to the Blog Titled: Finishing requirements Topic 4/2
Once a product is produced it is important to ensure the customer recieves a quality product.


When removing a baked product from the oven state two(2) situations that would not allow you to place the baked product out for sale.

example: Rolls touch the side of the oven and tear away the crust. If this occurred it would be necessary to remove the effect rolls and dischard before placing the others out for sale.

Post your answers to the Blog Titled: Unacceptable Products Topic 4/3
Collect a copy of
  • PSQ Cleaning Schedule
  • PSQ Daily Production Checklist
  • Using the information found in your PSQ Cleaning schedules answer the following questions and complete the activity.

    Give a brief definition of the terms :

    a) Cleaning

    b) Sanitising

    Using the information obtained on the PSQ 26 Daily production check list identify 4 daily cleaning tasks and 4 weekly cleaning tasks.

    Briefly explain the importance of maintaining house keeping standards in the work place and how this impacts on the business.

    Post a copy (or FAX 49699428) of the PSQ26 Daily production Check list completed and identify who is responsible for signing. Explain how the responsibilities for cleaning and signing are allocated. NA If Faxing please ensure you identify who the information is from.
Post All other information on your Blog Titled: Maintain Hygiene Topic 4/3


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