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Hi, this is Topic 1 : Preparation Prior to bread making
Session 1.
There are 4 sessions to get through starting with Calculate total dough weight
Collect a copy of the Hot cross bun Recipe Recipe 33 from the Bakers Delight Recipe Book
Watch Video 1 on Preparation Prior to Bread Making on how to calulate Total Dough Weight (TDW) using a calcuator
Multiply the scale weight (identified in the recipe) by the number of products to get the total weight for the Hot Cross Bun Recipe ie: 90 x 0.080g = Total Dough Weight (TDW).
Then complete this activity: Open this production sheet and calculate the TDW for each product for this days production and email spreadshett to gary.sewell@tafensw.edu.au or post onto your BLOG.
Then complete this activity: Open this production sheet and calculate the TDW for each product for this days production and email spreadshett to gary.sewell@tafensw.edu.au or post onto your BLOG.
Answer the following question: State the importance of correctly calculating the required.